Personal Project Coordination at EPS

Appointing Personal Project Coordinator
The School appointed one staff Member to assist the MYP Coordinator who is trained by IBMYP Projects Workshop online 2016 for planning, managing and implementing MYP Personal project in school.

Role of School MYP Personal Project Coordinator
Personal project coordinator’s role includes assisting MYP Coordinator, and to ensure that students and supervisors fulfil all the Project requirements as mentioned in latest Project guide released by IB.
PP Coordinator develops material and guidelines using OCC – TSM as in MYP Projects Tab in OCC and share PP Samples and all required Documents on Google Drive, and EPS Personal Project Blog ( for anytime access, which helps and support students and supervisors for relevant information and resources for implementation of the Personal Project.
A PP progress sheet is also shared for monitoring the Regular progress of Student Project, checking on with alignment of IB specifications as in PP Guide.
Regular Emails are been shared for resource Update in Google Drive, along with relevant changes to made if required.
PP Coordinator make sure that all possible requirement as per the need of project our made available to student on request of Supervisor.
Series of sessions are conducted by PP Coordinator for Students and supervisor.

Personal Project Coordinator ensures that each student has a project supervisor.
                     School uses a simple Method for allocating supervisors to students
                     Supervisors choose projects to be supervised based on a list of proposals shared by PP coordinator from the list prepared by student’s interest.
                     Supervisors ensure choice of topic as per their expertise and interest without knowing student name.
                     All Supervisors are guided for their roles and responsibilities as per the recent IB PP Guide
                     All supervisors understand their role and responsibilities through series of sessions conducted by PP coordinator. Project supervisors’ guide and advice students on selecting topics and setting appropriately challenging goals. They help students develop responsibility for their own learning, providing guidance in the process and completion of the project.
                     Students and Supervisors are in regular contact with PP Coordinator for all queries requirements on emails, and for any updates in project they inform by keep PP coordinator in loop by emailing in CC.

                     Students and Supervisors create a student PP Planner, and sign a student Mentor Contract mentioning roles and responsibilities; to achieve the goal set in planner for student’s personal project.  

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